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Top 3 Reasons why you should have a Puppet Ministry (plus some free puppet skits)

We recently had our Vacation Bible School. We went with a “Start Your Engines“ theme. You can find their materials here. VBS is one of my favorite children ministries. Several years ago, I started writing puppet skits for our Vacation Bible School. I noticed we had a few puppets, why weren't we using them? The kids loved them! After year or two, someone built us a real puppet theatre. We were about to incorporate a full blown puppet ministry into our children's church when COVID hit. But now. . .the puppets are back!

You maybe wondering in this digital world, do puppets still keep children's attention? Would puppets work at my church?

Consider these three points.

  1. Puppets are engaging! When done right, kids love interacting with puppets. Even adults smile at a dancing, singing puppet. We had a little girl who would not sing or participate because she was super shy. When the puppets came out, she smiled and sang. She was super engaged. Puppets can help lead songs, memorize verses, and teach lessons.

  2. Puppets provide opportunity! Our youth lead our puppet skits. It gives them an opportunity to use their talents (and sometimes craziness) for the Lord! One member in our church built a stage for our puppets. Another member sewed the curtain and donated puppets.

  3. Puppets can reduce behavior issues! We did have some wild preschoolers this year but as soon as the puppets came out they were held captive! Here is a link for scientific research if you need it.

Do you use puppets in your ministry? Don't forget the puppet skit download below!

VBS Puppet Skits Greasy the Mechanic
Download PDF • 269KB

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